What To Expect After Your Cat Is Diagnosed With Kidney Disease

Learning that your cat has kidney disease can be scary, but the good news is your cat can probably still thrive if you follow your veterinarian's advice. Read on to learn what you can expect to happen now that your cat has been diagnosed with kidney disease.

Palliative Measures

Many cats develop kidney disease, but unfortunately, there's no cure for the disorder at this time. However, that doesn't mean that your cat is doomed. Cats with kidney disease can survive for many years if you follow your veterinarian's palliative plan to support your cat's overall health.

Low Protein Wet Food

One of the main things a veterinarian will suggest is that you put your cat on a specialized diet. This diet will most likely contain very little protein and more moisture. Protein is processed by a cat's kidneys, which can be stressful on your cat's health if their kidneys are already beginning to fail. Additional moisture will also help to support kidneys, whereas typical dry cat food will be harder for your cat's body to process and can cause dehydration.

Liquid Boluses

Another option your veterinarian may suggest is regular subcutaneous fluid boluses. Boluses are a small injection of IV fluids that are placed underneath your cat's skin, but not in a vein or artery. Most pet parents can be taught how to perform this at home. While it may seem scary at first, it's a generally painless procedure. The fluids will be gradually absorbed into your cat's body as they need them, which will help to prevent dehydration that can be dangerous for cats with kidney disease.

Regular Blood Tests

Finally, your veterinarian will probably want you to come in for regular blood tests every few months. Blood tests can quickly determine how well your cat's kidneys are functioning. If the tests reveal that your cat's kidneys are struggling and their blood has too many toxins in it, your vet may suggest that your cat receive IV fluids directly in a vein while you're at the office. This will quickly help to flush your cat's body of dangerous protein deposits and toxins.

Until a cure is found for cat kidney disease, it's important for you to follow these steps and any suggestions your veterinarian makes to the letter. They will help to prolong your cat's life and improve their quality of life, especially if your cat is in the early stages of kidney disease. For more information, contact local professionals like Coastal Carolina Animal Hospital.

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